Will you survive in Russia?

Тема в разделе "Интересные ссылки", создана пользователем Wisher, 23 янв 2010.

  1. Wisher

    Wisher Заблокирован

  2. Apostol

    Apostol Игрок

    Dude, you've got issues!34
    Surviving Russia is definitely not one of your strongest skills - yet. But we can totally help! Do not get gobbled up by the Red Square white bears and join the RT group on Facebook NOW! Let us give you a crash course on how to come, see and conquer this tough land of Tolstoy, Bolshoi, oil - and vodka!
  3. Wisher

    Wisher Заблокирован

    Хехе, у меня 77 было :)
  4. Apostol

    Apostol Игрок

    та я же наугад )
  5. [LP]Fan

    [LP]Fan Игрок

    Pretty impressive!74
    You are almost a hero! You've got a few more things you need to learn in order to become our next 100% Russia Survivor. Join our RT group on Facebook - we'll help refine your skills and show you how to really 'Live in Russia'.

    фигня какая-то
  6. ДжиФ

    ДжиФ Игрок

    You are five minutes from fame! It seems you could write your own book on surviving Russia! RT has plenty of shows about people like you
  7. Детектив

    Детектив Игрок

    Pretty impressive!65
  8. Wisher

    Wisher Заблокирован

    Да ладно, я пару раз даже засмеялся :)