Arc Bishop Skills

Тема в разделе "III профессии", создана пользователем imperium, 14 авг 2008.

  1. imperium

    imperium Игрок

    Priest or High Priest could be an exorcist, full support or anything in between. The three known Archbishop skill would mostly help the exorcist type of priests. There would be boost protection against status, max hp, instant cast heal and wide area of effect turn undead. The three known Archbishop skills are Holy Vitality, Greater Turn Undead and Divine Heal.
    Holy Vitality is a passive skill that increases protection against status and boost maximum hp. As I’ve said the exorcist type of priest would benefit mostly from these because exorcist builds focuses more on dex and int that they have to sacrifice their vitality. Because of their low vitality, they are more susceptible to statuses and survives less longer in battles. Status protection works on ALL negative effects. Protection % is added to normal protection through vitality. Example: If through Vitality Bonuses a stun effect from Hammerfall would normally have a 50% chance of stunning the Cleric, with Level 5 Holy Vitality added, it would increase the effectiveness of his/her Vitality to 125%, making the final chance of being stunned 62%.

    Greater Turn Undead is just similar with the Priest and High Priest Turn Undead skill. The only difference is the 14×14 area of effect. It’s like a no cast Magnus Exorcismus or a baphomet equipped priest. Too bad it can only affects Undead monsters. The Divine Heal on the other hand heals and cure all statuses at the same time. At last, this is a good alternative to the status recovery skill when players are stunned. What makes this much better is it has much lower casting time. At 70 dex, casting is instant. Now all we need is a skilled pilot.

    Ragnarok Third Job Archbishop Skills

    Holy Vitality
    Passive Skill
    A cleric can be protected through supernatural means, an aura surround him/her and
    giving them great vitality.
    Level 1: 5% Protection against Status, +4% Max HP
    Level 2: 10% Protection against Status, +8% Max HP
    Level 3: 15% Protection against Status, +12% Max HP
    Level 4: 20% Protection against Status, +16% Max HP
    Level 5: 25% Protection against Status, +20% Max HP

    Greater Turn Undead
    Active Skill
    35SP Consumed
    With holy magic far stronger then that of a Priests, Greater Turn Undead works just
    the same as Turn Undead, except that it effects all Undead monsters in a 14×14 radius
    surrounding the caster.
    Level 1: Same as Turn Undead Level 1, hits all monsters.
    Level 2: Same as Turn Undead Level 2, hits all monsters.
    Level 3: Same as Turn Undead Level 3, hits all monsters.
    Level 4: Same as Turn Undead Level 4, hits all monsters.
    Level 5: Same as Turn Undead Level 5, hits all monsters.
    Level 6: Same as Turn Undead Level 6, hits all monsters.
    Level 7: Same as Turn Undead Level 7, hits all monsters.
    Level 8: Same as Turn Undead Level 8, hits all monsters.
    Level 9: Same as Turn Undead Level 9, hits all monsters.
    Level 10: Same as Turn Undead Level 10, hits all monsters.
    (Success chance formula is the same as Turn Undead.)

    Divine Heal
    Active Skill
    75SP Consumed
    Calling upon the powers of the light, a Cleric may cast powerful healing magic to
    fully heal a target as well as cure all bad status effects. It has
    the chance of instant death against Undead Property, won’t work on bosses but deal huge amounts
    of damage
    Level 1: Divine Heal
  2. Norg

    Norg Игрок

    Предлагаю автору умереть.
  3. Сибиряк

    Сибиряк Игрок

    Написан этот фейк в источнике 08.12.2007, я видел и еще более ранние даты

    Учись думать
  4. Aeronaft07

    Aeronaft07 Игрок

    Не тот раздел.
  5. Lynch

    Lynch Игрок

    Правильно, место в "Бреде"
  6. pushOk

    pushOk Игрок

    У нас ещё нет Арк Бишопов, и насколько я понял информация не совсем достоверна, зачем кидать это в данный подфорум?
  7. Athe1st

    Athe1st Игрок

    ну кто то же должен на форуме "мусорить"...
    я не удевлюсь если скоро появиться топик "Shura Skills" или что то подобное....
  8. Wild

    Wild Заблокирован

    Аффтару срочно умереть!
  9. ApTypka

    ApTypka Игрок

    осторожнее с пожеланиями
  10. salvador

    salvador Игрок

    артурко, убери аву не позорься нупским знанием фотошопа! не прими как оскорбление, просто риал атсосно со стандартными фильтрами работать - попробуй поискать поновее %)

    (сори за оффтоп)
  11. ApTypka

    ApTypka Игрок

    то что я юзаю стандартные фильтры не значит что я нуб в фш, не так ли?
    включи мозг, и не заставляй меня думать что ты идиот, ибо я уже начал:(