Скиллы Star Emperor, продолжение ветки Star Gladiator

Тема в разделе "Культуры востока", создана пользователем X, 28 сен 2016.

  1. X

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    Неофициальный перевод корейских бета-анонсов. Всё может поменяться с течением времени.


    Star Emperors perfected knowledge of Sun and Moon, and one thats beyond, which is universe. We call these masters “Star Emperors”.

    Utility Skills
    • Record of Sun, Moon, and Star
    Star Emperor can record all Sun, Moon, and Star’s power and use it freely. This active skill resets effect of Sun, Moon, and Star. It has a bit of cooldown so you can’t use it repeatedly.
    • Purification of Sun, Moon, and Star
    Star Emperors mastered the power of the universe, and with that power, they can purify demonic power. This skill removes sight penalty of Sun, Moon, and Star.

    Sun Property Skills - they’re Combo skills:
    • Sun Stance
    The stance for using Sun Property Skills. Buff and toggle type skill. Cannot use with other stances.
    • Blazing Kick
    Flying kick with flames. It does melee property damage, and causes splash damage around its main target. You can combo [Exploding Sun] after using this skill.
    • Exploding Sun
    Using power stored from [Blazing Kick], it causes serious damage to the enemy. It’s a combo skill, used after [Blazing Kick].
    • Light of the Sun
    The Star Emperor absorbs sunlight, increasing damage of [Exploding Sun]. Buff Skill, cannot be used with other [Light] skills.

    Moon Property Skills - those skills are AoE friendly; their AoE ratio is larger than that of [Sun Property Skills].
    • Moon Stance
    The stance for using Moon Property Skills. Buff and toggle type skill. Cannot be used with other stances.
    • Moon Slashing Kick
    Having learned the hiding power of the Moon, the Star Emperor can hide after dealing heavy damage to their enemy.
    • Full Moon Kick
    Having learned the power of Full Moon, the Star Emperor reappears, causing significant damage towards the enemies, and putting them under [Blind] status. This skill can be used under [Hiding] status.
    • Light of the Moon
    The Star Emperor absorbs moonlight, increasing the damage of [Full Moon Kick]. Buff Skill, cannot be used with other [Light] skills.

    Star Property Skills - those skills enhance auto attack.
    • Star Stance
    The stance for using Star Property Skills. Buff and toggle type skill. Cannot be used with other stances.​
    • Flashing Kick
    Using the power of stars, the Star Emperor sends huge damage towards the target, and leaves a [Star Mark].​
    • Shooting Star
    Emperors who have perfected the power of stars can direct meteors with their own will. As you autoattack, every certain period of time, you can invoke the fall of a meteor over your enemy. Meteors are considered melee physical attacks with splash damage.​
    • Light of the Stars
    The Star Emperor absorbs starlight, increasing the damage of [Shooting Star]. Buff Skill, cannot be used with other [Light] skills.

    Universe Property Skills - PVP-oriented.
    • Universe Stance
    Stance for using Universe Property Skills. Buff and toggle type skill. Cannot be used with other stances.​
    • Supernova
    Having perfected the power of the universe, the Star Emperor is capable of destroying extremely heavy bodies using this devastating power. In exchange, the Star Emperor loses their entire power for some amount of time. Very powerful Neutral property fixed damage towards target.​
    • graffity Control
    Exchanging power with the Universe, the Star Emperor controls the target’s graffity, levitating them for period of time. Its like [Manhole], but when they drop, the target receives Neutral property damage. Only Star Emperor can land them safely.​
    • Advent of Star Emperor
    The Star Emperor releases its power like Vegeta did verses Majin Buu. AoE Physical damage around the Star Emperor. Surrounding targets become [Silent] in awe.​
    • Power of Recreation
    The Star Emperor creates a gravitational star that slows nearby targets.

    Последнее редактирование: 28 сен 2016
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