Blue Herb in Mouth - цена договорная (Нет в наличии) +6 Oni Horns - 2,000,000z Спойлер: описание bonus ATK: (str/4)+(Refine/3) Priest: 3% auto casting [Eswoo] when resiving damage +7 Autumn Headband [1] - 2,000,000z Спойлер: описание +7 Refine bonus ATK: int/5 +9 Refine bonus: [Arrow Shower] damage bonus: 5%*(BaseLvl/10) +8 Blue Beret - 4.500.000z Спойлер: описание Dex +1 Reduce damage from Demi-Humans 5% Bonus Str: +1 Str for every refine past +5 [+Undershirt/Undershirt [1]] Str +2 Stun resistance +15% Green Foxtail - 1,000,000z Спойлер: описание Str +2 Dex +1 Luk +2 +[Sweet Gent/ Romantic Gent/ Western Grace/ Cowboy Hat/ Sombrero] Dex +2 Cozy Yoyo - 2,000,000z Спойлер: описание Agi +2 Fire property resist +10% [Во время зимнего периода] Enables the use of [Fire Bolt] Lv 3. Adds a 10% chance of using [Fire Bolt] Lv 3 on the target when doing a physical attack Well-Chewed Pencil - 1,000,000z Спойлер: описание Dex +2 Hit +3 Бонус может измениться в будущем Strong Shield [1] 5.000.000z Black Cat - 2,500,000z Cold Heart - 3,000,000z Waterdrop Brooch [1] - 3,000,000z Veteran Axe [2] - 1,500,000z Butterfly Ears - 1,000,000z Спойлер: описание Dex +1 70 lvl Nepenthes Bow [2] 500,000z Cursed Lyre [1] 500,000z Aqua Elemental Card 4,000,000z