Acid Terror Required For: Acid Demonstration (L5 Biochemist). Max Level: 5 Type: Offensive SP Cost: 10 Target: Enemy Range: 9 cells Cast Time: 1 sec Cool Down: 0.5 sec Duration: Instant Catalyst: 1 Acid Bottle Effect: Throw an Acid Bottle at your opponent with a small chance to break their armor, and inflict the external bleeding status. This skill ignores armor defense, and hits regardless of Flee. VIT defense is calculated in, however. While the damage can be blocked by Pneuma, the chance to break armor remains. Kyrie, however, blocks both the damage and the chance of breaking armor, as well as a Crusader with Auto Guard. A successful armor break calculation makes the target use the /omg emoticon. That doesn't automatically mean they had their armor broken; even when using the Chemical Protection Armor skill or wearing an Immortal armor, the /omg will display itself so long as the attack was considered a success. Just like Demonstration, the damage is increased via +ATK cards, status and +% cards have no effect. It's also unaffected by elements. The Acid Bottle is consumed at the beginning of the cast, as opposed to the end like the other potion skills. This means that if you are interrupted while casting, the bottle is lost with nothing to show for it. Damage is (100+40*SkillLV)% ATK. [LV 1] 3% chance to damage Armor, 140% ATK, 3% chance of Bleeding [LV 2] 7% chance to damage Armor, 180% ATK, 6% chance of Bleeding [LV 3] 10% chance to damage Armor, 220% ATK, 9% chance of Bleeding [LV 4] 12% chance to damage Armor, 260% ATK, 12% chance of Bleeding [LV 5] 13% chance to damage Armor, 300% ATK, 15% chance of Bleeding Если нужно - могу перевести на русский. Вкратце - зависит от твоей атк, то есть в первую очередь от оружия и силы. %%карты не работают, только карты типа зиппера и андре (+атк). Пневма блокирует дамаг, но не шанс поломки. Примерно та же картина и с демонстрейшеном, только формула там [LV 1] 120% ATK & 1% Chance [LV 2] 140% ATK & 2% Chance [LV 3] 160% ATK & 3% Chance [LV 4] 180% ATK & 4% Chance [LV 5] 200% ATK & 5% Chance На мой взгляд, бутылки более опасны именно поломкой, а не дамагом, поэтому советую высокий декс, чтобы каст не сбивали и быстрее кидать...
Спасиб. Ещё вопрос по резистам. Сколько держуться по времени, какой деф даётся, какой номер элемента(если известно конечно) получаешь, опять же шанс варки?
Шанс варки - не помню - примерно на уровне алко - высокий шанс (точно не как у слимов). Дается 20% сопротивления к элементу и вроде бы слабости к контрэлементу. Держится 20 мин или пока не сдохнешь.