Торговец Exercise Change Seller Celebrity Theory Reality Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes You feel like a robot. Consider if you need it. Don't care about... Ask friends to help. Carry her to a hospital. Check the brand. Analyze it. Buy the item for her/him. Аколит Public Service Conserve Consumer Prudence Experience The Past Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No You are proud and satisfied. Consider if you need it. Don't like... Ask friends to help. Carry her to a hospital. Wonder who lost it. Apologize honestly. Buy the item for her/him. Вор Exercise Change Consumer Celebrity Experience Reality Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Schedule? What schedule? Don't think twice, just buy it! Don't care about... Handle it by myself, even if it's hard. Just ignore it. Finder's keepers! Pretend it's a joke. Say 'no'. Маг Note: Always picking the last answer will also result in the desired outcome. Study Conserve Producer Prudence Theory The Future Yes No No Yes No No No No You are proud and satisfied. Consider if you need it. Don't mind... Ask friends to help. Carry her to a hospital. Wonder who lost it. Change the subject. Promise to buy it next time. Арчер Exercise Change Seller Prudence Experience The Future No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Schedule? What schedule? Check the price. Don't like... Ask friends to help. Assess the situation before taking action. Leave it where it was. Change the subject. Promise to buy it next time. Мечник Note: Hitting the Enter key for each question will also result in the desired outcome. Study Change Consumer Celebrity Theory The Past Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes You feel like a robot. Consider if you need it. Don't mind... Handle it by myself, even if it's hard. Carry her to a hospital. Check the brand. Pretend it's a joke. Buy the item for her/him. Если вы это пройдете то вам дадут там лук,топор,палку и тд