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Насчет Wink Of Charm.

Тема в разделе "Ошибки (Архив)", создана пользователем Yuufa, 24 апр 2008.

  1. Yuufa

    Yuufa Игрок

    Закройте тему. Вот решение (копирайт не мой):

    Quest: Near the center of comodo town (204, 172) you'll find a lady 'Сanell' that you need to talk to. You will need to have a crystal mirror with you.

    In north prontera city (183, 333), you'll need to find and talk to the NPC Aeru. She will send you somewhere in town (where, seems to be random), and you will need the following items when you return: 1 Alcohol, 1 China, 1 Apple, 3 Banana, 5 Well Baked Cookies.

    Return to Сanell in Comodo, and she will teach you Charming Wink.

    P.S. И кто бы мог подумать :)