Star Gladiator Guide

Тема в разделе "Культуры востока", создана пользователем [Excepter], 10 сен 2008.

  1. [Excepter]

    [Excepter] Игрок

    Table of Contents
    Chapter I: Brief Explanation
    Chapter II: Myths Dispelled
    Chapter III: Star Gladiator Job Change
    Chapter IV: Skill Explainations
    Chapter V: Builds And Equipment
    - PvE
    - PvP
    - WoE
    Chapter VI: Books
    Chapter VII: PvE Guide
    Chapter VIII: Taekwon Mini-Guide
    Chapter IX: Taekwon Ranker: Comparisons

    Chapter I: Brief Explanation

    What is a Star Gladiator?
    Star Gladiators are the 2-1 (Offensive) branch of the TaeKwon class. The funny thing is originally, graffity intended to have it so only boys ("TK Boys") can be Star Gladiators and girls ("TK Girls") can only be Soul Linkers. The highly sexist irritation of Bards and Dancers changed this before official release.

    The class is based around alignment with the Sun, Moon and Stars. By using these elements in combination with books, TaeKwon skills and other abilities, Star Gladiators can deal tremendous amounts of damage. The problem is the more power the Star Gladiator seeks, the more that must be sacrificed. More on this later.
    The class is more or less an upgrade of the TaeKwon with a few new tricks. It's a heavy-damage dealing highly mobile martial artist who can combat enemies with powerful kicks imbued with any of seven elements. With Flying Side Kick, Running and High Jump, they'll never have problem reaching their target or destination and with the right element they will have unhindered damage.

    Chapter II: Myths Dispelled

    "Star Gladiators are weak."
    Not at all. With the right party using the right book at the right place, you can very easily bypass the 10,000 damage mark for 2 SP and with high ASPD no less. Map skills or Miracle of the Heavens are not accounted for in this example, either. In WoE, the Star Gladiator's attacks are Holy or Fire property. This means you not only do +50% more to Evil Druid wearers but you bypass Ghosting, Raydric and Deviling.
    "Star Gladiators are frail and fragile."
    It only seems this way because they lack the +25% HP of reborns. The truth is Star Gladiators can tank much better than many reborns due to Break Fall and their heavy armor selection. Many people just do not build the Star Gladiator right, which brings the next point;
    "Star Gladiators need high agi!"
    Wrong. Your ASPD (Attack Speed) is supplemented from the skill Demon of the Heavens or just the raw ASPD you get for having no book equipped. You get about as much Agility as a Lord Knight, for damage. Kick skill delays are not ASPD related, so having more agi just reduces the time it takes to enter your kicking stance. So while I recommend a bit of Agility, don't rely on it.
    "Star Gladiators are only limited to three maps."
    Not at all. Infact my Star Gladiator does not use map skills at all. They are a gimmick in my opinion.
    "So, Union of the Heavens makes it so you never miss, ignore def and move really fast? That's awesome!"
    Hardly the case. =(
    The problem is, it cost 10 skill points and a Soul Link to use a skill that damages the user, too. When I attack other players using Union, sometimes I just do more damage to myself than my opponent. Though kick skills do not cause feedback damage.
    "Star Gladiators destroy Wizards!"
    Not if they have Safety Wall. In such a scenario, status books are cool. I also utilize some baiting strategies to bring the Wizard to me, land a few kicks and then jump away when they put Safety Wall back up. In PvP, Wizards will die in a few Counter Kicks. In WoE, you have allies that will help you.
    "Kihop is pointless if you like to solo."
    Kihop (known to us as Battle Chant) benefits from every member in the party, even if it's just yourself. So always have a party for that 10% damage bonus.

    Chapter III: Star Gladiator Job Change

    Requirements: Taekwon class, job 40-50. (I highly recommend job 50)
    Prepare: Flame Heart, Mystic Frozen, Great Nature, Rough Wind, Star Crumb and Star Dust.

    First go to Payon, and locate this NPC.
    Follow his instructions and such, then you will be directed to Comodo. The NPC is here.
    The NPCs will pretty much walk you through it. They will ask you to be patient. Listen to them.

    When you first become a Star Gladiator, you will notice 2 things.
    1) Demon of the Heavens isn't working.
    2) You get brutally low job EXP.

    Demon of the Heavens, both the blinding effect and the ASPD bonus don't benefit you until job 50. To top if off, Star Gladiators get a massive Job EXP penalty. So you need to work hard to get that job 50.

    Chapter IV: Skill Explainations

    I think many people will read this section of the guide because Star Gladiators have very weird and complex skills which some find intimidating unless they've played the class.
    (SLS = Solar, Lunar, Stellar)

    Every odd day is a Day of the Sun, every even day is a Day of the Moon and every fifth day is a Day of the Stars.

    SLS Perception
    kRO Translation: Feeling of the Heavens
    Using this skill will designate a map of the Sun at level 1, the Moon at level 2 and the Stars at level 3. You can have three seperate maps memo'd at all times. Designating a castle at WoE is just that one castle, not the realm or all castles.

    Solar/Lunar/Stellar Heat
    kRO Translation: Warmth of the Sun/Moon/Stars
    Can only be used on the corresponding map designated and the corresponding day. It creates a barrier around the Star Gladiator.
    When used against monsters, it'll push back the monster 2 cells and deal 100% of your damage at the cost of 2 SP. Cancels if you have no more SP.
    When used against players, it drains a fixed percentage of their SP. It takes 2.4 seconds to drain their SP entirely. Under the circumstance you can use more than one Warmth at a time, it takes 0.8 seconds to drain. This is a popular choice for PvP Star Gladiators, but I can't give them much credit. xP

    Solar Protection
    kRO Translation: Comfort of the Sun
    Increases your Vit defense by [(Lv+Dex+Luk)/10] for Skil Lvl x 80 seconds. This skill gets the thumbs down primarily due to the moot value of Vit defense. (Numerical, not percentage reduction.) Put your skill points into something more useful.

    Lunar Protection
    kRO Translation: Comfort of the Moon
    Increases your Flee by [(Lv+Dex+Luk)/10] for Skil Lvl x 80 seconds. Sounds okay, but how many Star Gladiators rely on flee? Debatable.

    Stellar Protection
    kRO Translation: Comfort of the Stars
    Now we're talking! Increases your ASPD by [(Lv+Dex+Luk)/10%] for Skil Lvl x 80 seconds. This is nice to have if map skills are your thing.

    Solar/Lunar Blessings
    kRO Translation: Blessing of the Sun/Moon
    Increase EXP gained from targets of the Sun or Moon by Skil Lvl x 10%. This does not remedy the job EXP penalty. In groups, this increases the EXP value of damage dealt by the Star Gladiator. Meaning, if you leech someone, they still get the +50% exp!
    This skill is not related to designated maps in any way what-so-ever. It works anywhere.

    Stellar Blessings
    kRO Translation: Blessing of the Stars
    Same as above only Skil Lvl x 20% for a max of 100% at level 5 and works only on targets of the Stars. The problem is not only do books only do 50% to large, but the selection of monsters that are large and have over 20,000 HP aren't Star Gladiator-friendly. I only got it for end-game dungeon parties.

    SLS Opposition
    kRO Translation: Hatred of the Heavens
    First I want to start by saying the kRO name is scary. It would suck to have Heaven hating you and all. :P
    The size and HP limitations do not apply to players in any way.
    Level 1: Target of the Sun
    Target is now a Target of the Sun. Works on any small monster and Emperium in WoE.
    Level 2: Target of the Moon
    Target is now a Target of the Moon. Works on medium targets with over 6,000 HP. Your friend in PvE.
    Level 3: Target of the Stars
    Target is now a Target of the Stars. Must be large with over 20,000 HP. Ice Cave is one of the many dungeons that come to mind.

    Solar/Lunar Wrath
    kRO Translation: Anger of the Sun/Moon
    At level 3, increases your damage by [(Lv+Luk+Dex/3)%] to targets of the Sun/Moon. They will also give you bonus EXP for the appropiate Blessings.

    Stellar Wrath
    kRO Translation: Anger of the Stars
    At level 3, increases your damage by [(Lv+Str+Luk+Dex/3)%] to targets of the Stars. The best choice for PvP/WoE due to the strength benefit. This will also increase EXP from said monsters if you have Blessing of the Stars level 5 by 100%.

    SLS Shadow
    kRO Translation: Demon of the Heavens
    This is a deep skill, arguably tied with Hatred for making the class. This is part of what I meant by "power through sacrifice".
    Increases your ASPD by Skil Lv x 3% at a max of30% at level 10. For every point you put into this skill, you lose some of your vision as if you are under the blind status. You should not max this skill unless you know what you're doing and are strictly an Emperium breaker. This is very anti-party as well since a blind Star Gladiator is a lot of trouble.
    Though it's almost as if you have the blind status, you have no flee or hit penalty and it is not prevented by the Blinker and Dark Blinker. As a WoE Star Gladiator, I put 8 into this skill so I can still see the Wizard cast range. I recommend a lower level until you become more skilled. Please, just be careful. D:

    SLS Team up
    kRO Translation: Friend of the Heavens
    When you are partied with a Monk/Champion and they initiate Counter Kick, they get 100% chance increase (at level 3) of initiating a combo. This does not mean 100% chance of entering a combo, but rather double the chance. The same works vice-versa when they use Chain Combo for your Counter Kick stance. How it works is you gain a hidden 1 minute buff that increases your chances. Get this if you have a combo Monk/Champion friend.

    SLS Courier
    kRO Translation: Knowledge of the Heavens
    Increases weight capacity by Skil Lvx10% for a max of 100% after you log onto designated map. This allows the Star Gladiator to break the 10,000 weight limit quite easily. The buff after you leave the map last for 15 minutes from what I hear. Needs to be tested. I don't know what happens when you have items on hand, the buff runs out and you can't hold them. Needs additional testing.

    SLS Union
    kRO Translation: Union of the Heavens
    Requires you to have the buff "Spirit of the Star Gladiator". Activating it removes the buff.
    You enter a state of ultimate and sacrificial power. Your attacks never miss, ignore all def and you gain a movespeed bonus that stacks with Running and Increase Agility. The downside is you lose 2% of your HP every time you attack. When you attack players, you lose 8% HP. Attack a player when you are below 20% HP results in death. I don't like this unless I'm Emperium breaking. In such a case you can almost surpass an Assassin Cross with the typical dagger setup and Enchant Deadly Poison.

    SLS Miracle
    kRO Translation: Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars
    All Star Gladiators have it but it is a hidden skill.
    When moving, there is a 0.01% chance of activating this ability. You will be notified by text in game when this happens. It allows you to use any of your Warmth/Comort abilities anywhere and all enemies are Targets of the Stars for half an hour, even if you leave the map you're on. I have never seen power match SLS Miracle, but you can't produce it consistantly enough to use it effectively.

    SLS Angel
    kRO Translation: -
    Currently not working on LLRO?

    Targets and locations set with SLS Perception and SLS Opposition can be reset using the Status Sage in Prontera for a fee. It's 500,000z and increases at a rate of 100,000z (?) per reset.

    Chapter V: Builds And Equipment

    Remember, Star Gladiators aren't agi characters. If you build one with 99 Agi, you will fail in many places.

    The idea is to aim for 110 Str, 120 Str if you have the right gear.
    Agi is to supplement your damage, though it's okay to get extra if you're PvE for the Flee. The lower your Demon of the Heavens is, the more agi you will need to compensate. 30-60 is a wide range. 30 for high Demon levels, 80 for PvE DPS addicts.
    Vit should be anywhere between 40 and 90. 40 for PvE, 90 only if you have that many extra stat points.
    Int isn't exactly the greatest stat for Star Gladiators. Kicks only cost 2 SP. If you have extra points, put them elsewhere. I guess this could be useful if you use Warmth and High Jump a lot. :/
    Dex should be anywhere from 30-75. Dex is used for ASPD, consistant damage, High Jump cast speed and additional damage on targets. 50 is a good all-around amount. 75 is good for PvP so you can hit those pesky Assassins and jump to choose your battles.
    The controversial stat. Normally, unless you're a Hunter or Assassin you should shun high Luk. Star Gladiators are different. You not only gain more damage against targets of hatred but every 3 Luk gives you (and all classes) 1% global stat resist. My Star Gladiator currently has 3, but I had 30 at some point. Others go all the way to get 60 or so as a critical build.

    PvE Star Gladiator
    PvE (or PvM) stands for "Player versus Environment" so you're going to be fighting monsters and stuff.
    High Str, High Agi, moderate Dex, Vit and optional Luk.
    Take anywhere between three and four kick skills. The Blessing and Hatred skills are your friend.

    Weapon of Choice: None! Unless you have carded books, you can benefit from the high ASPD and attack bonuses in the spurt state. There's also the subject of Triple Hunter Fly Carded Book because that card gives a chance of converting your damage into health.
    Headgear: Anything you want. I like wearing racial headgear if I can. Overupgraded Spiky Bands give a lot of defensive, so those are nice for general use. There are also headgears that give exclusive bonuses to TaeKwons. More info can be found here.
    Armor: Coats. Status inflicting armor if possible. If not Cornutus Card or PecoPeco works.
    Shield: Mirror Shield or Guard. Just about anything. % racial reduction cards are cool, too.
    Garment: Raydric or any flee adding garment. I like my Immune Manteau.
    Footwear: If possible, start farming some footwear and upgrade it to +9. I just use Sandals. +9 footwear gets the added bonus of +10% HP and +10% SP, along with the 2 str from Antique Fire Lock Card. If not, Matyr Card with 1 Agi will do.
    Accessories: Mantis Rings. If you want, you can burn all that excess SP with a Vitata Card (For Heal Lv 1) or Creamy Card (Teleport Lv 1).

    PvP Star Gladiator
    PvP stands for "Player versus Player". This Star Gladiator is suited for the PvP room and @dueling.
    High Str, moderate Agi, decent Dex, decent Vit, optional Luk.
    The Comfort skills are useful for rendering the enemy's SP to 0. Use Holy Warm Wind against everything except Crusaders in Paladins. In that event, use Fire. I like Round and Counter, but you may want Axe kick since not everyone in PvP has a lot of Vit.

    Weapon of Choice: Overupgraded Double Bloody Boned Book. Superior to the Sage's Diary even with it's ASPD bonus.
    Headgear: PooPoo, Beret, Angeling Hat, Drooping Cat or Stalactic Golem Carded heagear (20% resist to stun, works like it replaces 20 Vit).
    Armor: Status armor, Marc Card or Evil Druid Card. Carry Cornutus if a Whitesmith uses Meltdown and against Alchemist unless they have Dark Frame/Sasquatch.
    Shield: Thara Frog Mirror Shield. No questions asked. :P
    Garment: Ragamuffin Manteau or Raydric Manteau
    Footwear: Antique Firelock +9-10 Sandals/Shoes/Boots.
    Accessories: Mantis Rings. Carry a Horong carded accessory to counter hiding, and a Smokie carded accessory to do some hiding yourself!

    WoE Star Gladiator
    WoE is the War of Emperium where guilds compete. This differs from PvP because everyone builds around supporting each other and having higher Vit to survive. Star Gladiators have the important role of jumping to reach locations quickly and dispatching foes with powerful elemental kicks.
    High Str, low Agi, low to moderate Dex, high Vit, optional Luk.
    Holy Warm Wind for every except Paladins/Crusaders. Shadow Warm Wind for Emperium breaking. Turn off all stances before attacking an Emperium. Your advantage lies in being able to reach the Emperium between 6-20 seconds after entering a castle. Other than Counter Kick, whatever you choose is personal taste. Whirlwind provides AoE damage, Axe Kick stuns and Round Kick is like a Counter Kick with Hammerfall effect.

    Weapon of Choice: Double Bloody Boned Book. Double Damned Gigantic Book for Emperium breaking. Status books are also an option in combation with Flying Side Kick to stop runners.
    Headgear: Angeling Hat is my favourite for tanking. PooPoo or (Feather) Beret works too.
    Armor: Evil Druid or Marc armor. I personally recommend using lighter armor than coats.
    Shield: Thara Frog Mirror Shield.
    Garment: Ragamuffin Manteau, Marse/Jakk/Raydric Carded Manteaus. Frilldora Manteau would also be nice to have as it allows for Cloaking near walls. High Jump doesn't fix everything, after all.
    Footwear: +9 Antique Firelock footwear. (Get Boots if you can.)
    Accessories: Mantis rings, again. Horong Card and Smokie Card for the hiding asset is welcome.

    Str - 98+22
    Agi - 49+12
    Vit - 72
    Int - 1
    Dex - 34+6
    Luk - 3
    (My current stats)

    Aim for at least 9000 HP at 99.

    To answer the common question, my skill build looks like;

    Chapter VI: Books

    For those who didn't know, Star Gladiators use books as weapons by transferring their power to the foot. Books are only better than going barefooted if the book is properly carded.

    Book[3] (Best for carding)
    Book of Billows (Useless due to Warm Wind)
    Book of the Blazing Sun
    Book of the Gust of Wind
    Book of the Apocalypse (Poor substitute for emp breaking)
    Hardcover Book[1] (Best "general use" book with Andre or Zipper Bear cards.)
    Legacy of Dragon*
    Sage's Diary[2]**

    Legacy of Dragon*
    Ignores the DEF of dragon monsters and awards SP at their death. This is dropped by Mutant Dragonoid at a 20% chance.

    Sage's Diary[2]**
    Dropped by High Priest Magatha in Somatory Laboratory 3, IE Bio 3. The key thing to note is while this book is inferior to the Book[3], it gives 5% more ASPD if you have more than 50 Str. (Which is every Star Gladiator.) Since kick skills are not ASPD based, this isn't very good choice for killing monsters or players. But this could be better than a DDG Book on Emperium, even if just slightly.

    Chapter VII: PvE Guide

    PvE is the global gaming term for "Player VS Environment", so this refers to you against monsters.
    The key to survival with the Star Gladiator is the idea with any high Str character; kill it before it kills you. Always have the right element of Warm Wind active. If you get mobbed badly, jump away and instead of fighting it out. Also, since you have some Vit, I recommend looting edibles dropped by monsters such as Monster Feed or Pumpkins.

    Nice Parters to PvE with
    • Alchemist
    • Taekwon Classes
    • Priest - Gloria is a plus
    • Combo Monk - Make sure they give you a Spirit Sphere
    • Dancer, Gunslinger or Hunter - Ideal for maps with Mimics and Hunter Flies
    • Agi Bard
    Nice Places to go for EXP

    Format is in;
    Recommended Level
    Element of Warm Wind used

    Toy Factory
    Flying Side Kick to get those pesky Cruisers

    Magma Dungeon
    Avoid Lava Golem and possibly Grizzlies. Looting the healing items is always a smart idea. If you're playing your cards right, you'll never die.

    Abyss Dungeon
    85-99 Partied
    Bring Legacy of Dragon if you have it. Ancient Mimics are a killer and you must have enough HP to survive a Brandish Spear. Hunters are good to bring along.

    Louyang Fields
    People are odd. For some reason, they train every melee class at this place. It was designed for ranged classes, but Lord Knights and Star Gladiators are different. Where as the Lord Knight can kite them with Spiral Pierce (That skill has a use other than beating Safety Wall? Wow), the Star Gladiator can effectively one shot them given the right stuff. No harm done. And hey; if you want to rest on the pillar, no need to do that silly soup quest when you can just jump up there. :D
    He'll kick you off if you talk to the NPC, though. >.>

    Sphinx 3-5
    PvP gear (Demihuman increment or reduction) is nice. Ice Warm Wind win is cool.

    Bibylan 5
    If you're not the most powerful Star Gladiator in the world, avoid those Penomenas and you'll do just fine. PvP Book is also cool here since Mermans, the heart of the Map, are Demihumans and weak to Wind. If you have an Aqua Coat, wear it.

    There are other places you can go. Be creative!

    Places to get monies!

    Amatsu Dungeon
    This is my absolute favourite! If you don't plan to PvP, I'd set this to one of your designated maps just for the +90-100% weight limit increase. Somebody say 300+ Over Charged Star Crumbs?

    Bibylan 4
    Every Card save Marine Sphere is sold for quite a bit. If you find any Chain[3]s. upgrade them to +9-10 and put them on the market. Good monies, too.

    Toy Factory 2
    I love this map. No questions asked. xP Watch out for Stormy Knight and Baby Garm.

    Once again, you can go just about anywhere. Be creative. Go Whirl Wind Kick mobbing Bon Guns and sell those Worn Out Scrolls. :P

    Chapter VIII: TaeKwon Mini-Guide

    This section will not explain how to build Taekwons or explain their skills, just the basics

    Taekwon Job Change
    Requirements: Job level 10 Novice
    Talk to this man.

    He wants you to go get a level. You can always semi-cheat by coming there at 90%+, and go kill a poring or something. :P
    Come back, answer some questions and you're done.

    About Kick Stances...
    You can have as many stances active as you want. I like Round and Counter Kick for their solid damage. Whirlwind Kick is okay, but there aren't many Taekwon-friendly maps that are mobby. Axe Kick is nice if you find you're taking too much damage.

    What should you get first?
    I say Running. When you activate level 7-10 Running and then immediately use it again, you enter the "Spurt State". This increases Str by 10, increases your attack power by Skil Lvl x 10. Flying Side Kick damage is also increased.
    After that I get Flying Side Kick followed by Break Fall. When you are in the Spurt state, Break Fall dodges everything at a 20% chance.
    From there you have a choice. Either Warm Wind and a kick skill, or just more kick skills.

    A comfortable amount of str?
    By level 50, you should have at least 44+6 (that's 44+16 with Spurt state.) I went for 74+16 though.

    Fastest way to job change?
    PecoPecos (One map north, one map east of Morroc)

    Toy Factory 1 (Lutie dungeon)

    Payon Cave 4
    Watch out for Ninetails.

    Sandmen (South, South, East, East of Morroc)
    55-Job Change

    Chapter IX: TaeKwon Ranker: Comparisons

    I'll start by saying Star Gladiators will always out-melee TaeKwon Rankers. Where as the TaeKwon Ranker is limited to moot kicking skills, the Star Gladiators deals thousands upon thousands of burst damage thanks to books. I'll also say that while the Star Gladiator has better equipment options, the Taekwon Ranker will always be three times the better tanker.

    Star Gladiator
    • Incredible damage output
    • Carded weapons for more potential
    • The option to align themselves with the Sun, Moon and Stars in many ways
    • More potential ASPD
    • Union
    • Ability to break Emperium
    • You are constantly blind
    Taekwon Ranker
    • Best tank in the game due to the 3x HP bonus and Break Fall + Spurt
    • Ability to perform infinite combos
    • Limited and low damage output
    • Cannot equip some of the heavier armor the Star Gladiator has like Mirror Shields.
    • Low damage output
    • You have to compete for the top ten
    And that's a wrap. Feel free to point out any inconsistancies or typos.
    Apachi нравится это.
  2. Tpyn

    Tpyn Игрок

    чоткий машинный перевод.
    нихрена не понятно xD

    Сила тяжести - это graffity Сo. xD

  3. AlexaWhite

    AlexaWhite Игрок

    Отредактируй и выложи по новой
    Читать тяжело просто даже из-за жуткого форматирования текста.
  4. Винсент

    Винсент Игрок

    жуть даже читать не хочиться оформил бы сначала для приличия
  5. dik0braz

    dik0braz Игрок

    В принципе, можно коечто подчерпнуть интересного из этого "гайда", но перевода конечно не хватает! Да и что это за гайд с одним стат билдом СГ? Я лично ито придумал как минимум три, но пока реализовал один :)
  6. Aeronaft07

    Aeronaft07 Игрок

    Там был русский перевод что ли сначала?
  7. AlexaWhite

    AlexaWhite Игрок

    Гайд устарел на пару лет х_Х
    Выбрать самое то, что до сих пор актуально, остальное удалить с глаз долой...
  8. [Excepter]

    [Excepter] Игрок

    Устарел не устарел это как раз гайд подходит под сервис и он первый гайд он стар гладиаторах, а перевод был ранее точно плохо, и оригиналную версию гайда выложил.
  9. Enigma_fury

    Enigma_fury Игрок

    хоть где то понятно смог почитать о скиллах сг
  10. Insr

    Insr Игрок

    Выложил бы сылку откуда , скопи пастил.
  11. [Excepter]

    [Excepter] Игрок

    Выложить немогу ибо сайта нет больше, а где похожий гайд я не искал
  12. Alan

    Alan Игрок

    Не буду палить свои секреты, но сразу скажу что это очень хороший гайд)) Всё описано подробно и адекватно, шмот только брать конечно стоит новый, например вальк щит вместо миррора естественно)
    Deep In My Imagination нравится это.
  13. Insr

    Insr Игрок

    [Excepter] займись переводом ,а то есть те кто не знает английского.
  14. [Excepter]

    [Excepter] Игрок

    Первый был перевод , и его не одобрили, но займусь сам буду переводить.
  15. salvador

    salvador Игрок

    с переводом могу помочь

    гайдик правд старенький... прочитал и за ночь замутил себе стар глада, для понту, элки бить.. Х_х
    подумал-подумал... старглада для юниона на арене бы выкачать... тока семак и ягод тоннами успевай закупать...
  16. insomnia jt

    insomnia jt Игрок

    ^ ниплохо было бы )